colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer is located either in the colon (large intestine) or in the rectum (end part of the large intestine). We also talk about bowel cancer.
3rd most common cancer
In France, 42,152 new cases are diagnosed every year. It is the second cause of death by cancer (17,722 deaths per year), behind lung cancer.
It is serious when detected late
The prognosis is linked to the stage of development of the cancer: the smaller and more circumscribed the cancer, the simpler the treatment and the greater the chances of recovery. More than 90% cure when detected in time.
The vast majority of colorectal cancers develop from specific polyps (also called adenomas) which degenerate. Removing a polyp before it transforms prevents the development of cancer.
The digestive signs can be late, since the cancer can develop in the colon without necessarily causing discomfort or symptoms. This is why it is very important to be able to detect it before the appearance of clinical signs.
colorectal cancer screening
Why go through “organized” screening with the Regional Cancer Screening Coordination Center - Corsica?
“Organized” screening for colorectal cancer is aimed at men and women between 50 and 74 years old, an age when the risk of being affected by the disease increases.
For colorectal cancer screening, the Coordination Center in Corsica offers to carry out a free screening test every two years by looking for blood in the stool. This quick and easy test should be done at home.
The results of all tests are sent to general practitioners and then to beneficiaries.
In the event of an examination not being carried out, your Coordination Center sends follow-up letters to remind you of the importance of taking the screening test. Thanks to its follow-up and follow-up system, the Coordination Center reminds everyone by mail of the right time to perform the colorectal screening test.
In case of delay or absence of the invitation letter,ask for your invite.
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In case of follow-up by COLOSCOPIE or antecedents please complete the information sheet on the back of the invitation and return it to us by post. Upon receipt of this information, your file will be updated.
If the colonoscopy is less than 5 years old, the screening test MUST NOT BE PERFORMED.
If you have any symptoms or doubts, talk to your doctor.
If detected in time, colorectal cancer can be cured in 9 out of 10 cases.
The screening test in pictures
frequently asked Questions
Are there any special requirements for performing the stool blood test?
YES. It is best to perform the test outside of a period of treatment with aspirin, anti-inflammatory, vitamin C or iron.
On the other hand, treatments taken continuously (cardiovascular preventive treatment or treatment of a chronic rheumatic disease) must not be interrupted during the performance of the test.
For women, it is advisable to take the test outside of the menstrual period.
What precautions should be taken to take the sample? _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
It is necessary to use the stool collection device supplied with the test or a chamber pot or basin. Please note that stools should not come into contact with water, bleach or urine. Then use the test items (sticks, plastic bags, envelopes). The test must be sent within 24 hours of its completion. You can store it if necessary in the refrigerator or in a cool place. Send the test after completion using the T envelope (free) for analysis.
Are we concerned by the screening test when we had a colonoscopy less than 5 years ago?
NOPE. If you perform colonoscopies regularly for monitoring bowel disease (polyp, cancer, chronic inflammation) or for family history, you do not have to do the test.
However, if you have had a colonoscopy independently of regular follow-up, the test may be offered to you within 5 years.
Could the presence of blood in the stool, discovered during the test, be due to hemorrhoids or to my diet?
NOPE. The test is designed not to detect blood that is too fresh such as hemorrhoidal blood. The same goes for overly digested blood, present for example after a blood sausage meal.